
Bryan Page Speaks to WWU Students at Rental Clinic

December 11th, 2014 - Carmichael Clark

Bryan Page, one of the partners at Carmichael Clark and a board member of LAW Advocates, spoke at a rental clinic for students along with other LAW Advocates attorneys. This event was sponsored by the WWU Associated Students Legal Information Center and LAW Advocates, a non-profit providing free legal services to low income people in Whatcom County. The purpose of the clinic was to inform students of their rights as tenants and to understand the rights of landlords. This is a particularly timely topic given that the Bellingham City Council is currently considering a rental registration program. In addition to the talk, attorneys also met one-on-one with students.

Disclaimer: This article and blog are intended to inform the reader of general legal principles applicable to the subject area. They are not intended to provide legal advice regarding specific problems or circumstances. Readers should consult with competent counsel with regard to specific situations.

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